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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Community Perception of Domestic Violence: A Pilot Study

Siti Hajar binti Abdul Rauf, Faridah binti Awang, Azlini binti Chik, Normala binti Riza, Sabri bin Sulaiman, Nuruaslizawati binti Ayob

Open access

Domestic violence is a serious social problem that can affect the quality of life. Statistics from the Royal Malaysia Police (PDRM) show that the number of reported cases is increasing. Therefore, a pilot study was conducted to find out the public's perception of domestic violence. This study uses a quantitative design through a survey method. This study was conducted in the State of Terengganu through a simple random sampling technique. A total of 65 sample people were selected to be respondents for the pilot study. The collected data were analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) software version 25 and analyzed using descriptive analysis. The results of the study found that the community has a high perception of domestic violence. However, the public lacks knowledge about the Domestic Violence Act. Therefore, it is suggested that a framework or program that focuses on increasing community awareness and understanding of the Domestic Violence Act be developed immediately for the well-being of each layer of society in the community.

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In-Text Citation: (Rauf et al., 2023)
To Cite this Article: Rauf, S. H. binti A., Awang, F. binti, Chik, A. binti, Riza, N. binti, Sulaiman, S. bin, & Ayob, N. binti. (2023). Community Perception of Domestic Violence: A Pilot Study. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(7), 1871 – 1878.