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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

What Makes Private University Students Happier?

Mohd Al Mahdi b. Hussain, Harnani Mohamed, Norul Huda Mohd Ghazali, Melinda Chelsea

Open access

This objective of this study is to explore the dimension of happiness among private university students in the year of 2023. As part of the processes for both individual and group counselling, a thorough interview was conducted. Employing a framework for wellbeing and happiness, the inductive thematic analysis was undertaken using the fully qualitative research approach. Participants in this study ranged in age from 20 to 24 and were all enrolled in private universities. There were ten people in attendance, six men and four women from three different universities. Present research comes out with three themes related to the dimension which make the private University students happier such as financial conditions, family, and academic success. The findings also shown that by achieving the academic achievement would be their ultimate happiness, this could be to enhance their motivation to achieve the good result and become happier. These results indicated the necessity for intervention to raise student happiness levels for their future career and professional growth

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In-Text Citation: (Hussain et al., 2023)
To Cite this Article: Hussain, M. A. M. b., Mohamed, H., Ghazali, N. H. M., & Chelsea, M. (2023). What Makes Private University Students Happier? International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(10), 20–31.