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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Identify and Prioritize Effective Indicators at the Administration of Qazvin Imam Khomeini Relief Foundation Using Balanced Scorecard (BSC)

Dr. Javad Mehrabi, Dr. Naser Hamidi, Abbas Niknami

Open access

According to the organization's activities as a social institution responsive to society expectations, the performance evaluation can determine organization success or failure rate in the goals achievement.
This study has been done to survey performance evaluation of administration Qazvin Imam Khomeini Relief Foundation. This research is a descriptive - analytical survey and a simple random sample of 7 individuals from the expert staff have been chosen and questionnaire was completed by them. Then, obtained data was analyzed by MATLAB software. It is worth noting that data design and analysis has been based on the analytic network process.
Main indicators of this research are including: customer orientation aspect, internal business processes aspect, growth and learning and financial aspect. Financial aspect with the 35.72% had highest weight, customer orientation aspect with the 25.15% was in the next place, growth and learning aspect with 20.84% was in the third place and finally, internal business processes aspect with 18.29% was in the fourth place.
Finally, in addition to the study of necessity of educational programs and internal business processes promotion and development, its more effective implementation is recommended.