Roses are commonly known for their ornamental looks and their usage in the perfumery industry. There are many types of roses available and some of them are rarely found, which limits the opportunity for people to recognize and learn about them. Thus, Learning About Types of Roses Using Augmented Reality is developed which focuses on learning about their species, types and color using mobile augmented reality technology. The project's main goal is to provide an alternative by providing engaging interactive learning to capture the attention of modern generations. The objectives of this project are to identify the scientific name, color, family, shape, and facts about the rose, to develop an augmented reality (AR) application using QR marker on Android platform, and to evaluate the effectiveness of the augmented reality mobile application. The methodology for this project is MADLC which is mobile applications development life cycle. It consists of five phases, which are to identify, design, develop, prototype, test and deploy. Overall, the system's design and execution were successful and performed as intended. The test results demonstrate that the project was successful in adhering to the project objectives. Perhaps, using the Augmented Reality technology would help people learn about roses effectively because they will be able to visualize the roses and learn their features easily.
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(Ismail et al., 2023)
To Cite this Article: Ismail, S. M., Najmuddin, A. F., Ibrahim, I. M., Ismail, S. R., Rahman, A. A., & Shaffie, S. S. (2023). Integrating Augmented Reality in Learning Type of Roses. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(8), 796 – 804.
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