ISSN: 2222-6990
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The use of digital tools in education has become increasingly prevalent in recent years. This systematic literature review explored teachers' perspectives on the use of digital tools in the classroom, with a focus on the potential advantages and challenges of using technology in their teaching methods. The review found that teachers are aware of the potential benefits of using digital tools, such as the ability to provide dynamic and engaging material, personalized learning experiences, collaboration opportunities, and access to a plethora of resources. However, teachers also face a number of challenges when trying to use digital technologies effectively, such as lack of training, technical difficulties, and concerns about student engagement. The review concludes that there is a need for educational institutions and governments to make investments in providing sufficient resources, infrastructure, and training to assist instructors in incorporating digital technologies into their classes. Additionally, teachers can be inspired to share best practices and gain knowledge from one another's experiences by fostering a friendly and cooperative digital culture within their schools. Ultimately, fostering an inclusive and productive digital learning environment requires considering teachers' viewpoints on the use of digital resources. By resolving the issues and taking advantage of the opportunities, educators may fully harness the full potential of digital resources to improve their teaching practices and provide students with engaging and impactful learning experiences.
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(Yin & Mohamad, 2023)
To Cite this Article: Yin, S. S. Y., & Mohamad, M. (2023). Unleashing the Potential: A Systematic Review of Teachers’ Perspectives on Enhancing Teaching Practices through Digital Tools. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(8), 1105 – 1117.
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