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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Social Housing and Psychological Issues Discussed in Literature: A Thematic Review

Wan Aishah, Mohd Zairul, Marek Kozlowski, Shureen Faris Abdul Shukor

Open access

Social housing is a housing program by the government or municipal council of a city to provide shelter to the lower income and vulnerable groups of people. It is also called public housing, which refers to apartment buildings owned and operated by the city government and rented to individuals of low to medium income below?market rate. Previous studies discussed residents' satisfaction levels and related social housing characteristics and living conditions with psychological issues such as stress and depression. However, there are many psychological issues addressed in the literature. It is essential to see the psychological issues related to social housing being discussed recently in the literature. Therefore, this paper aims to study the discussions in social housing publications regarding psychological issues from the year 2018-2022. This paper uses the thematic review method, with systematic inclusion and exclusion protocol and theme formation, using ATLAS.ti 8 software. Four themes were discovered in this review paper: psychological characteristics, building community, spatial needs, and support experienced. From the four discovered themes, psychological characteristics have been discussed the most in the literature compared to the other three. This paper contributes to expanding knowledge of social housing and its psychological issues. The knowledge is helpful for architects, public health practitioners, policymakers, researchers, and industry players in the field of housing development. Future studies relating to the spatial needs of social housing residents can be explored to shorten the user needs gap in social housing projects.

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In-Text Citation: (Aishah et al., 2023)
To Cite this Article: Aishah, W., Zairul, M., Kozlowski, M., & Shukor, S. F. A. (2023). Social Housing and Psychological Issues Discussed in Literature: A Thematic Review. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(8), 1301 – 1317.