ISSN: 2222-6990
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The aim of present study is to examine the multifaceted influence of co-creation values through customer participation behavior (CPB) and customer citizenship behavior (CCB) on brand equity with novel injector of social media as a moderator. Data were collected through survey questionnaire from 380 banking customers who actively associated with online banking in Lahore, Pakistan via using convenience sampling. For the analysis of structured equation modeling and moderation, current research applied the Statistical Package for Social Sciences and Analysis of Moment Structure. Findings revealed that customer participation behavior optimistically associated with band equity but customer citizenship behavior and social media insignificantly associated with brand equity. It can also be highlighted that through intervening construct (social media), a positive relationship exists among customer citizenship behavior and brand equity. Present study offers noteworthy intuitions toward value co-creation that drive brand equity and delivers a vigorous direction for potential customers, banking management, researchers, and policymakers who can use diverse forums of media to gain better and home-based services.
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In-Text Citation: (Ahmed et al., 2023)
To Cite this Article: Ahmed, E., Entebang, H. A., Yeng, S. K., Hashim, S., Mahmood, H., & Sabir, R. I. (2023). Impact of Value Co-creation Behavior among Banking Customers of Pakistan. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(10), 1–19.
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