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International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2225-8329

Impact of Work Family Conflict on Female Intent to Quit. Descriptive Study of Commercial Banks of Faisalabad, Pakistan

Saira Ajaz, Babak Mehmood, Muhammad Kashif

Open access

Employee turnover is a challenge faced by any organization and banking is of no exception. Several studies are devoted to identify employees’ intent-to-quit in the banking sector of Pakistan, but most of them have ignored female turn over behavior. A separate research is imperative to explore female intent to quit. The present study is trying to fill up this gap by exploring the turnover intentions of female employees in the commercial banks of Faisalabad, Pakistan. Intent to quit (ITQ) has been tested empirically for its association with work-to-family conflict (WFC) and family-to-work conflict (FWC). The study is important in a sense that for the first time the quit intentions of female bankers have been identified. Data is collected from the female employees of six commercial banks of Faisalabad region. A total of 230 questionnaire were distributed out of which 200 returned, representing response rate of 87%. The analysis proved that intent-to-quit is positively and significantly associated with work-to-family conflict and family-to-work conflict. The study has also proposed some valuable recommendations for HR managers and policy makers to retain female workers in banks.

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In-Text Citation: (Ajaz et al., 2015)
To Cite this Article: Ajaz, S., Mehmood, B., & Kashif, M. (2015). Impact of Work Family Conflict on Female Intent to Quit. Descriptive Study of Commercial Banks of Faisalabad, Pakistan. International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting Finance and Management Sciences, 5(4), 102–116.