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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Argumentation Techniques in Quranic Narration and Their Semantic Impact. The Story of Iblis (Satan) in The Quranic Text As A Model

Mohamed Rady Mohamed El-Baz El-Sheakh, Mohd Syauqi bin Arshad, Nurul Izzatie binti Aziz, Mohamad Zaki Bin Mustafa Masoh

Open access

The title of the research is: "Argumentation Techniques in Quranic Narration and Their Semantic Impact: The Story of Iblis as a Model." In this research, we aim to elucidate the Argumentation techniques and mechanisms in the story as one of the significant issues in human life. Proceeding from the premise of submission, acknowledging that Allah is the Creator and has absolute authority, Iblis's disobedience to Allah became a notable issue in the Quranic text. It is not only due to his disobedience but also the subsequent animosity of Iblis towards Adam, his eternal enmity towards Adam and his progeny until the Day of Judgment. Based on this perspective, the story employs various rhetorical methods to establish Iblis's miscalculation, expose the repugnance of his disobedience to Allah, confirm the eternal enmity towards Adam and his progeny, and subsequently emphasize the need to be cautious of this evident and clear adversary. The narrative underscores the necessity of avoiding his temptations, distancing oneself from his strategies, adhering to Allah's commands, abstaining from prohibitions, and being alert to his deceptions. The research challenge lies in elucidating the nature of Iblis's disobedience to Allah and revealing the fallacy of his logic and the error in his philosophy in justifying his disobedience. It also aims to differentiate between Iblis's disobedience and that of Adam. Furthermore, it delves into how Allah forgave Adam while condemning Iblis, and how this issue has been a subject of extensive debate. The research came to refute all of that. One of the research objectives was to prove the error in Satan's perspective. Likewise, it aimed to present logical, argumentative, philosophical, and rhetorical evidence to establish all of this. The story utilized various argumentative and logical mechanisms to prove this fact. The research adopted a descriptive and analytical methodology. One of the research outcomes was that the story employed numerous argumentative techniques to prove the fallacy of Satan's perspective and the non-forgiveness of his sin, as well as the forgiveness of Adam's sin, followed by his repentance. The story left no opportunity that contradicted these truths unaddressed, refuting any objections against them that did not align with reason and logic. The research engaged in dialogue between Satan and Adam, utilizing various argumentative methods, adapting to the varying narrative scenes and angles of perception. The story provided numerous pieces of evidence supporting these truths. The research consisted of an introduction, two main sections, a conclusion, and finally a list of sources and references. In the introduction, the nature and significance of the subject were explained. The first section had the title: "The Concept of Argumentation and its Techniques." The second section had the title: "Argumentation and Its Techniques in the Story of Satan and Its Semiotic Impact." Then comes the conclusion, which contains the most important results. Finally, there is a list of sources and references.

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(El-Sheakh et al., 2023)
El-Sheakh, M. R. M. E.-B., Mohd., Arshad, S. bin, Aziz, N. I. binti, Zaki, M., & Masoh, B. M. (2023). Argumentation Techniques in Quranic Narration and Their Semantic Impact. The Story of Iblis (Satan) in The Quranic Text As A Model. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(10), 64–72.