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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Islamic Sufism in Malaysia (Origins and Major Sufi Orders)

Mohammed Ebrahim Sakr, Amr Mohammed Sayed

Open access

Undoubtedly, the science of Sufism has become an essential part of our Islamic heritage, although it did not gain prominence as a term and concept until the third century of the Hijri calendar. Sufism focused on the spiritual and heart aspects, with self-purification and spiritual refinement being the foundation of Sufism. Therefore, it had a significant impact on Islamic societies, especially the Malay community, which was influenced by certain Sufi practices such as supplications, remembrances, and other Islamic rituals that have been passed down from generation to generation. Engaging in these practices has had a profound effect on keeping Islam alive in the hearts of youth, children, men, and women, and has also had a clear influence on non-Muslims living among Muslims, and there are many of them, it was decreed for them to live among Muslims. The aim of this study is to elucidate the origins of Islamic Sufism in Malaysia, particularly through the entry of Islam to the Malay Archipelago by virtuous men who invited people to love and know Allah, and who were concerned with addressing spiritual issues and rectifying misconceptions about them. Additionally, the study aims to highlight the major Sufi orders that have influenced the Malaysian society. The research methodology employed in this study is both inductive and analytical. It involved tracing the literature on the origins and history of Sufism, as well as some Sufi paths in Malaysia, with analysis and commentary.

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(Sakr & Sayed, 2023)
Sakr, M. E., & Sayed, A. M. (2023). Islamic Sufism in Malaysia (Origins and Major Sufi Orders). International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(10), 73–81.