ISSN: 2222-6990
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The mandate for prayer is a universal obligation among Muslims, persisting irrespective of prevailing conditions, including episodes of ill health. This investigation employed the Nominal Group Technique (NGT) with an objective to devise a web-based health education module centred around prayer during illness. Three key groups of stakeholders were assembled in accordance with their respective areas of expertise and professional experience: the first encompassing religious scholars, the second comprising medical practitioners, and the third involving patients who have previously experienced hospital admission.
The implementation of the NGT resulted in the identification of five principal themes: the content of the module, an introduction to prayer, purification (taharah) for patients, prayer instructions for the unwell, and pertinent legal rulings. Additionally, several subthemes were formed under each main theme: four within the content, five relating to the introduction of prayer, 19 concerning purification (taharah) for patients, 14 under prayer during illness, and five associated with legal rulings.
In light of this, the patient prayer module, cultivated through the application of the NGT method, is anticipated to exert a substantial influence, predominantly on those undergoing treatment and patients in hospital wards, as well as the wider public. The module, thus, serves as a crucial resource, particularly for this demographic.
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(Othman et al., 2023)
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