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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Impact of Quranic Commands and Prohibitions on Ethical Development among UniSHAMS University Students

Ali Omar Salem Balagem, Mohamed Hamed Mohamed Said, Shaaban Abdel Hameed Refae Mohamad, Luqman Bin Mohamad Nor

Open access

This research is a study to understand the impact of Quranic commands and prohibitions on building, reforming, and developing ethics. It discusses the problem of moral deviation and weak behavioral commitment in Islamic societies in general and among students of Sharia sciences and other disciplines in particular. The research employs an analytical field method by studying a sample of students from Universiti Sultan Abdul Halim Mu'adzam Shah (UniSHAMS), an international Islamic university in Kedah, Malaysia. The sample includes students from various levels, specializations, and faculties. A total of 120 questionnaires were distributed to male and female students, covering three main aspects. Statistical analyses were conducted using the PSPP statistical software, and the research found several results, including: Quranic commands and prohibitions have a significant impact on building ethics and evaluating behavior. The commitment to Quranic principles and religious practices varies among UniSHAMS students and other communities. The university, its curriculum, administration, professors, and environment have a considerable influence on adhering to Quranic commands and ethical commitments. The apparent weakness in certain condemnable behaviors among UniSHAMS student community is a result of weak commitment to certain Quranic commands and prohibitions.

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(Balagem et al., 2023)
Balagem, A. O. S., Mohamed, M. H., Said, Mohamad, S. A. H. R., Luqman, & Nor, B. M. (2023). The Impact of Quranic Commands and Prohibitions on Ethical Development among UniSHAMS University Students. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(10), 136–145.