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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Importance of The Mosque As A Knowledge Study Centre in The Contemporary Era

Badli Shah Alauddin, Ahmad Effat Mokhtar, Fahmi Zaidi Abdul Razak, Mohd Izhar Ariff Mohd Kashim, Kipli Yassin, Abdul Muhaimin Mahmood

Open access

A mosque is a dwelling where Muslims gather to pray. Nonetheless, the mosque's part is crucial since it was founded by the Prophet Muhammad PBUH. One of its essential functions is a knowledge study centre. Throughout history, the mosque's position as a knowledge study centre has been upgraded so that some mosques have reached the level of universities. However, nowadays, the response among the youth to take the mosque as a knowledge study centre is dimming. Thus, the role of the mosque as a knowledge study centre today need to be investigate whether its functions is been obtained. This is because the actions of some mosques that do not organise studies because the public does not receive it well. Therefore, this study intended to examine the importance and relevance of taking mosques as knowledge study centres regardless of time and place. This study was conducted using qualitative approach by literature review. This study found that the Muslims community nowadays claimed that the mosque is one of knowledge study centre particularly in spreading religious matter. The conclusions established that the mosque's importance as a knowledge study centre is paramount. Further, these study sessions in the mosque foster physical and spiritual relationships. Accordingly, studies in the mosque should be supported and intensified, emphasising each party responsible for managing the mosque.

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(Alauddin et al., 2023)
Alauddin, B. S., Mokhtar, A. E., Abdul, F. Z., Razak, Kashim, M. I. A. M., Yassin, K., & Mahmood, A. M. (2023). The Importance of The Mosque As A Knowledge Study Centre in The Contemporary Era. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(10), 213–218.