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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

eKasih System as a Medium to Implement the Malaysia's Policy of Poverty Eradication

Puteh Soraya A Rahman, Puteh Noraihan A Rahman

Open access

This paper is an empirical study on the use of the eKasih System (eKasih) as a medium to implement the country's policy of poverty eradication. The study was conducted by interviewing government officials who were using eKasih data to plan, implement and monitor poverty eradication programs at the central, state and district levels. The study found that eKasih was very helpful to the officials at all administration levels instead of its usage. eKasih helped the central agency plan, monitor, and evaluate the program but did not assist in the program implementation. Meanwhile, the state and district officials mentioned that eKasih helped them plan, implement, monitor and evaluate the programs, but they faced constraints in various ways, making eKasih-based programs implementation not comprehensive and not optimal. eKasih helped them plan programs based on the followings: identifying target groups, distributing allocations to state and district levels and drafting programs based on the target groups’ needs analyses. eKasih helped them distribute assistance directly to the target groups, check the status of prior aid distribution and avoid redundancies. eKasih also helped them monitor and evaluate with its real-time reporting capabilities. It also helped with inputs and data to answer questions in the Parliament and the State Legislative Assembly and prepare for national and international reports. The validation and utilization of the eKasih data should be streamlined to ensure data sustainability and avoid duplication of assistance.

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(Rahman & Rahman, 2023)
Rahman, P. S. A., & Rahman, P. N. A. (2023). eKasih System as a Medium to Implement the Malaysia’s Policy of Poverty Eradication. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(10), 204–212.