ISSN: 2222-6990
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The objective of this study is to investigate the factors that influence consumer’s satisfaction on purchasing fresh agricultural product in on e-commerce. The primary study approach was used for data collection. The quantitative research method was used to collect data for 384 respondents in Ampang, Selangor, via an online questionnaire using simple random sampling technique. The factors that had been observed including service quality, product quality, price, and promotion and discount. To evaluate the hypothesis, mean analysis, descriptive statistics, multiple regression, and factor analysis were conducted using SPSS software. According to correlation analysis, service quality, promotion, and discount were significantly correlated with consumer’s satisfaction on purchasing fresh agricultural products via e-commerce and based on factor analysis, the most dominant factor is price. The were five sub-variables of price were loaded such as the price of agricultural products purchased by e- commerce platform is cheap, the platform is cheap for agricultural products, most of which are free of charge, prices are more reasonable in ecommerce than physical stores, the selling price of goods on the e-commerce platform is according to the price in the current control and I am satisfied with the prices offered for agricultural products on the e-commerce platform. Hence, the consumers considered the price factor the most when purchasing fresh agricultural product on e-commence.
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(Jamilah et al., 2023)
Jamilah, S. N., A. W, N. N. H., & A., Nur Badriyah, K. (2023). The Factors that Influence Consumers’ Satisfaction on Purchasing Fresh Agriculturalproduct E-Commerce: Case Studyin Ampang Selangor. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(10), 250–257.
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