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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Usage Intention of RFID System in Toll Payment among Klang Valley Residents

Muhammad Azfar Othman, Syuhaily Osman

Open access

In Malaysia, a great traffic congestion always occurs in the expressways during peak times such as going to and from work, weekends, holidays and festivals especially in Klang Valley which has a high population density. To reduce the issue of congestion on expressways, the Malaysian government has announced to use new technology, namely Radio Frequency Identification (RFID). Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine the influence of attitude, knowledge and perception towards the usage intention of RFID system in toll payment among Klang Valley residents. Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) and Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) was adopted to build the research framework. There was a total of 228 residents participated drawn by using systematic sampling method. The data were collected through Google form. The findings of Pearson correlation indicated that attitude (r=0.802; p=0.000), knowledge (r=0.329; p=0.000), and perception (r=0.795; p=0.000) were significantly influenced the usage intention. Meanwhile, from multiple linear regression analysis, it was found that perception had recorded the highest correlation (?=0.446; p=0.000) in influencing Klang Valley residents’ usage intention. Therefore, the service providers should develop a better function of RFID system features in order to fulfil the needs of consumers to improve their performance.

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