In its efforts to protect and assist trafficked persons, the Nigerian Government designed and formulated a comprehensive National Policy on Protection and Assistance to Trafficked Person (NPPATPN) in 2008. However, the country’s efforts in the protection of Trafficked Persons have been considered inadequate. Thus, the challenges facing Nigeria are not that of policy formulation but the implementation of the policy. The purpose of this study is to explore the implementation of the NPPATPN from the perspective of top-down and bottom-up approaches, using qualitative methodology. 15 participants from government agencies, Non-Governmental Organisation (NGOs), International Governmental Organization (IGOs) and Trafficked Persons were purposely selected and interviewed. The findings revealed that the top-down approach is more pronounced compared to the bottom-up approach in NPPATPN implementation. This is because the lower-level bureaucrat operates under strong hierarchical command and control with no freedom to exercise any discretion in the implementation process. The study recommends that the policymakers (top officials) should take into cognizance the significance of the implementers (lower-official), NGOs and other relevant stakeholders in the policy-making process for the policy to be effective and legitimate. Therefore, the novelty of the study has contributed to providing a clear understanding regarding the performance of NPPATPN’s implementation in Nigeria.
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