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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

EFA for Principal Instructional, Technology Acceptance and Competency Teaching East Coast Boarding School in Malaysia

Mohd Zalmadi Razali, Abdullah Ibrahim, Zamri Chik

Open access

The principal is an individual who plays a very important role in steering the school towards an effective school. In the field of leadership there are many models that principals can use in leading schools. It was found that the Principal who uses the instructional leadership model has managed to steer the school so brilliantly. The model built by Hallinger and Murphy (1985) has been seen as a very easy model to be used as a guide for principals because this model contains dimensions that are easy to understand and easy to use as a guide for principals and school leaders. Before the actual study is carried out, a pilot study needs to be carried out to ensure that the questionnaire taken from the original questionnaire can be used after going through the validity and reliability process, the EFA process needs to be carried out to ensure that the questionnaire that will be used is valid in terms of validity and reliability before it is distributed to the respondents research. In this EFA process there are three construct namely Prinsipal Instructional Leadership, Aplication Of Technology Acceptance And Teacher Teaching Competency. This study uses quantitative research methods based on Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to analyze various relationships between variables in the study model. Before the data is analyzed using SEM, Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) is carried out to identify the appropriateness of the items used in the research instrument. This study describes in detail the procedure of conducting EFA analysis for each construct. The findings of this study show validity values based on Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO), Total Variance Explained (TVE), Factor Loading (FL) and reliability values based on Cronbach's Alpha (AC), have met all the required values.

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(Razali et al., 2023)
Razali, M. Z., Ibrahim, A., & Chik, Z. (2023). EFA for Principal Instructional, Technology Acceptance and Competency Teaching East Coast Boarding School in Malaysia. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(10), 293–309.