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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Levels of Engagement and Social Skill Among Teacher Trainees During Online Synchronous Cooperative Learning Session Via Google Meet

Nur Farhana Mustadhidin, Noor Dayana Abd Halim, Mahani Mokhtar, Nurul Nadwa Zulkifli

Open access

The aim of the study was to design online synchronous cooperative learning via Google Meet to examine the level of engagement and social skill among teacher trainees at an Institute of Teacher Education (IPG) in the Southern Region of Peninsular Malaysia. A total of twenty (20) respondents were selected from a class of first year teacher trainees who had accessed to the internet and own personal gadgets. The research applied One-Group Post-Test and data were gathered through questionnaires and further analysed by using SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science) software. Descriptive data analysis was used to obtain the values of frequency, percentage and mean. The findings of the study showed an overall mean value of 2.56 for the level of engagement and an overall mean value of 2.62 for the level of social skill respectively during online synchronous cooperative learning via Google Meet among teacher trainees. Therefore, the data indicated that the levels of engagement and social skill among teacher trainees during the online synchronous cooperative learning environment were high. The finding shows that the design of online synchronous cooperative learning via Google Meet in the teaching and learning of an education foundation subject is effective in increasing the levels of engagement and social skill among teacher trainees.

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