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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Implications of Cross-Border Organized Crime of Foreign Fishing Vessels on Local Fishing Communities: A Synthesis from Literature Review

Astri M. Fadzli, Gusni Saat, Syahruddin Hj Awang, Dayang Suria Hj Mulia

Open access

It is a form of cross-border organised crime that continues when foreign fishermen engage in illegal activities within a country's fishing zone. It involves commercial fishermen from certain countries such as China, Vietnam, Japan, South Korea from East Asia; Russia from Eastern Europe; and Mexico from South North America carrying out sea resource capture activities in bordering countries' waters. The crime of cross-border fishermen has impacted the sustainability of fishery stocks, thus having a significant impact on the safety of the local fishing community which is mostly traditional, from various aspects such as economic, social and psychological. The purpose of this paper is to construct a synthesis based on the literature review. It aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of the impact of criminal activities across foreign fishermen's borders on their local fishing communities. A synthesis of the literature shows that cross-border fishermen's crime has resulted in a decline in the fishing catch of local fishermen, making it difficult for them to maintain their livelihood on a long-term basis. For example, people in West Africa estimate that seven (7) million people depend on fishing revenue as their main income. As a result of the illegal arrival of fishing boats from Russia and China, the fishing community has been unable to rely solely on fishery products for its livelihood. Thus they changed their life strategy by robberizing foreign fishing boats as a means of generating income. In terms of safety, the presence of foreign fishermen has had an indirect impact on health issues, for example in Somalia which relies entirely on marine produce as a source of protein resulting in a lack of fishery yields which has resulted in malnutrition. The consequences of excessive fisheries exploitation especially by foreign fishermen using modern ships and equipment have presented challenges to local and traditional fishermen.

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