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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Relationship Between Transformational Leadership and Safety Citizenship Behaviour in Manufacturing Industry

Mohamad Radhi Amonodin, Nur Syafiqah A.Rahim, Shah Rollah Abdul Wahab

Open access

Employee in the manufacturing sector in Malaysia suffers high rates of industrial accident, as reflected in eight times more fatal accidents and 50 % of injuries more likely to occur. The manufacturing industry is among the significant contributors towards Malaysia’s growth domestic product (GDP) and ensuring high levels of safety in the industry remains a significant issue. This study explored the relationship between transformational leadership and safety climate towards safety citizenship behaviour in the manufacturing sector. A comprehensive review of the safety literature enabled the invention of the variables that supported a conceptual transformational leadership framework. A conceptual framework was adopted based on the integration of Social Exchange Theory. The framework will be tested empirically using data collected from manufacturing companies in Malaysia. This conceptual framework is one of the alternatives to effectively evaluate safety performance in the manufacturing sector, particularly in the Malaysian context.

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