ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
Construction waste is another serious problem in the construction industry. Large and various types of construction waste with different characteristics are created at all the stages of construction. Managing construction waste is also an issue if not properly handled as it will give a negative impact on the environment, society and finally economy. Malaysia needs to embark towards a waste management hierarchy by enacting specific construction waste regulation. Implementing of BIM-IBS system in all stages as a solution to reducing Malaysia construction. As this study seeks to identify the acceptance level of BIM-IBS activities in the construction industry and analyse whether the use of BIM-IBS activities helps to reduce construction waste. In other words, a survey consisting of a thorough questionnaire was developed to obtain the required information from the contractors in Klang Valley Area and also other area. A literature review and questionnaire survey were conducted to identify the objective of the research. The data have been analyzed using the SPSS Software to identify the value needed such as Cronbach alpha, mean value, standard deviation, and correlation. The results shows that all contractor company knowledge the acceptance level of BIM-IBS activities that consists of organizational category, technology quality category, behaviour control category and personal competency category in the construction industry. More than half of company willing to use BIM-IBS activities in the future which can help to reduce construction waste. The result shows strong relationship between all acceptance level category studied with variables in IBS activities and variables in BIM activities to reduce construction waste in construction industry.
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