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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Exploring Waqf Giving Behaviors Through the Theory of Planned Behaviors

Mohd Ali Muhamad Don, Mohd Rilizam Rosli, Noor Hanim Rahmat, Ahmad Che Yaacob, Mas Nooraini Hj Mohiddin

Open access

Waqf is an Arabic word meaning assets that are donated, bequeathed, or purchased for general or specific charitable causes that are socially beneficial. It is a permanent donation and cannot be donated as a gift, inherited, or sold. Waqf is also a philanthropic deed in perpetuity that involves donating a fixed asset that can produce a financial return. Furthermore, Muslims give waqf for the purpose of education, cemetery land, building a mosque, or cash waqf with no intention of reclaiming the value gained from them. The objective of this research is to determine the background of participants that related to giving waqf, to identify the attitude toward waqf giving, to perceive behavioral norms influence waqf giving, to know subjective norms that influence waqf giving, and to recognize the intention that influences waqf giving. The quantitative method is used to collect the data and SPSS software is used to analyze the data and report the findings. The survey comprised twelve sections and was successfully distributed to 143 respondents from selected countries such as Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, and Brunei via a Google Form. According to this survey, many respondents are aware that cash waqf is part of waqf giving as well as many respondents are willing to donate to cash waqf in the future. So, cash waqf has the potential to be a primary source of waqf giving in the future that can be used to contribute to achieving Sustainable Development Goal 1; No Poverty and Goal 4; Quality Education.

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