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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Potential Green Infrastructure in TVET Campus: A Case Study in Teluk Intan Vocational College

Nurul Hidayah Mohd Ali, Ridzwan Che’ Rus, Azlin Iryani Mohd Noor

Open access

Education for Sustainable Development is a crucial agenda to address the issue of globalization. Technical and Vocational Education (TVET) is one of the main agendas in Sustainable Development Education that contributes to the sustainability of human life. To develop a holistic sustainability approach that can incorporate academics, students and institutional management, sustainability efforts should be applied to the campus life of TVET institutions. One of the best approaches is the development of green infrastructure that could benefit the social well-being and health of the people. Accordingly, this study was carried out at Teluk Intan Vocational College to examine the potential of green infrastructure development in the TVET campus. This institution was chosen because Teluk Intan Vocational College is a TVET institution that offers programs in agriculture and is related to environmental study. This research was conducted using observation, inventory analysis and survey. Several green infrastructure strategies have been proposed, such as green roofs, rainwater harvesting, groundwater harvesting, rain gardens and agroecology learning approaches. The development of green infrastructure on the TVET college campuses can support campus management with teaching and learning techniques for managing natural disaster risk in practical settings. Green infrastructure also has potential approaches to environmental issues in the TVET campus from a comprehensive angle, which is essential to meet the multifaceted challenges in education for sustainable development for global change.

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