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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Teleconsultation Integration Protocol for Diet Clinic within Dietetics Professional Practicum at Teaching Hospital

Zalina Abu Zaid, Zulfitri ‘Azuan Mat Daud, Muhammad Nazirul Asri Badrul Hisham

Open access

Background/Problem: The primary goal of the clinical internship for dietetic interns is to foster their competency in effectively managing the nutrition of patients. Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the Ministry of Higher Education mandated that students refrain from physical attendance at universities. The significance of teleconsultation in the realm of dietetic practices has become even more apparent during this period, particularly for patients referred to dietitians and for students honing their patient management skills within the diet clinic. Effective planning and adherence to teleconsultation protocols are imperative to mitigate any delays in delivering crucial medical nutrition therapy (MNT) to both existing and new clients. Consequently, there's a heightened need to underscore the competency of nutrition management skills among dietetic interns. Purpose: This study seeks to implement a teleconsultation protocol for nutrition management within a diet clinic. Design: Presented here is a streamlined protocol for conducting teleconsultations within a Diet Clinic. Conclusion: The teleconsultation protocol devised and employed in this study for the Diet Clinic serves as a pivotal instrument for administering MNT, ensuring precise nutritional management for patients, and affording dietetic interns the opportunity to refine their skills in an online setting.

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Appendix 1


I, __________________________________________, confirm that I have received the necessary information to sign this form and I agree to take part in a live teleconsultation session with the consulting with the student and being supervised by Dietitian at the Clinic Diet, Hospital Pengajar Universiti Putra Malaysia.
I understand that:
1. The health centre has access to all necessary technological resources with a view to mitigating the risk of confidentiality breaches and/or information loss during transmission of electronic files containing clinical data.
2. The teleconsultation is private and all participants are visible on the screen and are exclusively authorized staff members.
3. The teleconsultation will not be recorded under any circumstances. This ensures that no one else will be able to view or listen to the consultation without my knowledge.
4. It may be necessary to share information about me in order to properly guide the required care and services in line with my state of health.
5. I hereby authorize access to this information by the health centre's healthcare professionals for the sole purpose of offering me, via this teleconsultation, the required care in line with my state of health.
6. In light of the teleconsultation, the healthcare professionals involved in caring for me may carry out an assessment and may discuss my case, whether I am present or not, for the sole purpose of providing optimal follow-up.
7. I hereby authorize that in addition to the file kept by the consulting professional, a summary of the teleconsultation will be included in my file at the health centre in order to ensure appropriate follow-up.
8. My consent to the disclosure of information about me shall remain valid while my file remains active in my original health centre or for one year as of the date on which this form is signed.
In witness whereof, I hereby certify that:
- I have read and understand this document.
- I have had an opportunity to ask all my questions and have obtained satisfactory answers.
-I have been able to make a free and enlightened decision with regard to carrying out the teleconsultation.

(Zaid et al., 2023)
Zaid, Z. A., Daud, Z. ‘Azuan M., Muhammad, & Hisham, N. A. B. (2023). Teleconsultation Integration Protocol for Diet Clinic within Dietetics Professional Practicum at Teaching Hospital. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(10), 915–927.