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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Utilization of Flipped Classroom Model on English Argumentative Writing Performance Among Chinese EFL Undergraduate Students

Dan Dan, Nooreen Noordin, Norhakimah Khaiessa binti Ahmad, Joanna tan Tjin Aian

Open access

The utilization of the Flipped Classroom Model has gained prominence as an innovative approach to enhancing educational outcomes. This study explores its application within the realm of English argumentative writing among Chinese EFL (English as a Foreign Language) undergraduate students. The research delves into the intersection of modern pedagogical methods and language skill development, investigating how the Flipped Classroom Model impacts argumentative writing performance. By combining pre-class content consumption and interactive in-class activities, the model aims to foster deeper engagement, critical thinking, and self-directed learning. This study examines the motivations, strengths, and challenges associated with this integration and evaluates its contributions to students' academic and personal growth. This conceptual paper aims to explore the potential of the utilization of the Flipped Classroom Model for cultivating proficient argumentative writing skills in Chinese EFL undergraduate students and provide teaching instructions for using the Flipped Classroom Model for EFL learners in English argumentative writing classrooms.

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(Dan et al., 2023)
Dan, D., Noordin, N., Ahmad, N. K. binti, & Aian, J. tan T. (2023). Utilization of Flipped Classroom Model on English Argumentative Writing Performance Among Chinese EFL Undergraduate Students. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(10), 961–981.