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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Virtual Workplace and Job Satisfaction During Covid-19 Pandemic for Information Technology (IT) SMES in Riyadh, The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Alkurdi Safwa Ahmad Safi, Nuryusmawati Mohd Yusof, Nor Lelawati Jamaludin, Janiffa Saidon

Open access

This research aims to contribute to the current body of knowledge through new findings on the virtual workplace arrangement for information technology in small medium enterprises, IT SMEs concerning job satisfaction during the pandemic Covid-19. Employee job satisfaction is one of the main keys to the success of an organization. However, current literature on the anecdotes and intriguing prescriptions on the relationship between virtual workplace-job satisfaction especially during a pandemic is vague. Therefore, the main objective of this study is to investigate the relationship between virtual workplace work arrangements and employees’ job satisfaction. The respondents are from selected IT SMEs in the manufacturing industry. The data was collected by using an online questionnaire for the employees. The data was analyzed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences 25 (SPSS25). Results for employees during the Covid-19 pandemic for IT SMEs in Riyadh, The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia indicate that there is a positive relationship between virtual workplace work arrangement and job satisfaction. The novelty of this research is the contribution of the present body of knowledge. It is expected that the findings can be applied in another related study to improve SME employees’ performance and promote a sustainable industry. The results can be used to direct the progress of initiatives and policies that can increase the job satisfaction of employees and promotes The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s initiatives in achieving Saudi Vision 2030

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(Safi et al., 2023)
Safi, A. S. A., Yusof, N. M., Jamaludin, N. L., & Saidon, J. (2023). Virtual Workplace and Job Satisfaction During Covid-19 Pandemic for Information Technology (IT) SMES in Riyadh, The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(10), 982–993.