ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
The issue of women with premarital pregnancy seems to have no solution. The number of women often being dumped in rehabilitation centers is increasing. The syllabus and knowledge construction at these rehabilitation centers is regarded as the most crucial intervention to ensure that they really recover and do not repeat the same mistakes in the future. Therefore, a detailed study was conducted to produce a complete guidebook for the premarital pregnant women that can be used during the rehabilitation and even after the rehabilitation period. This guidebook entitled Al-Munjiyyat is based on the model presented by Imam al-Ghazali in his masterpiece Ihya Ulumuddin. The main method of this model prioritizes the four principles of self-purification, which are muhasabah (reflecting on oneself), mu'aqabah (punishing oneself for temerity), mu'atabah (insulting and criticizing oneself) and mujahadah (repentance of oneself). In order to obtain detailed information, a qualitative study using semi-structured interview and document observation were conducted. The study developed a guidebook that can be used by the management of rehabilitation centers of government agencies, non-governmental organizations and individuals.
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