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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Enhancing Learner Autonomy Abilities in Writing via WAPF

Rohaya Abdullah, Abdul Rashid Mohamed

Open access

The aim for this study is to explore the types of web-based asynchronous peer feedback in enhancing the development of learner autonomy in writing. Ten respondents are involved in this interpretive qualitative study. They are from public universities. The data are collected from interviews, journal entries, essay drafts and feedback transcripts. All data are consistently compared and contrasted to yield an exhaustive analysis. The data are analyzed using thematic analysis and interpreted accordingly. The findings disclose that there are three types of WAPF delivered by the peers. They are Social, Affective and Cognitive WAPF. There are nine sub-categories of Social WAPF at personal level, eight sub-categories of Affective WAPF at personal and text levels, and four sub-categories for Cognitive WAPF at text level. It is clear that the respondents in this study are able to develop their autonomy abilities in writing through the WAPF. Ultimately, the respondents are able to reflect, decide and revise better in their writing.