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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Al-Sunnah Al-Taqririyyah: Meaning, Method, Argument and Divisions

Rabie Ibrahim Mohamed Hassan

Open access

This study aims to prove the validity of the Sunnah taqririyyah is one of the three parts of the Sunnah, namely oral (Qawliyyah), deeds (fi'liyyah) and silence (taqririyyah). This study explains the determination of the Sunnah of taqririyyah and the level of its validity and evidence, as well as explains the law if there is a discrepancy between the taqrir and the Sunnah of qawliyyah, or fi’liyyah. This study aims to explain the validity of Sunnah taqririyyah along with its arguments. An explanation of the descriptions of the Prophet's silence and the syari'yyah arguments for each description. This study will use the inductive method, that is, by extrapolating and tracing the silence of the Prophet saw, then followed by an analytical and deductive approach in explaining the propositions of each description. One of the results of the study to be achieved is that the silence of the Prophet saw is a thing that shows can do, and does not show with the intention that it is obligatory or should. As well as from the expected result that the Sunnah of taqririyyah specializes the general, and restricts the absolute, The researcher recommends deepening the study of the honorable Sunnah, especially with regard to the legislative aspects, and also recommends academic institutions to hold seminars and conferences on the honorable Prophet's Sunnah. and Allah grants success and from Him help and assistance.

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