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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Self-Assessment of Secondary School Islamic Education Teachers: Analysis Process of Qualitative Data

Azwani Masuwai, Hafizhah Zulkifli, Ab. Halim Tamuri

Open access

This study was conducted to explore the concept of self-assessment (reflection) that must be practiced by Islamic education teachers towards the continuous professionalism development. This study using qualitative approach with case study design. Six participants were selected using purposive sampling technique based on their experience in the field of Islamic Education which providing them with versatility and knowledge about the practice. Data was collected using a semi-structured interview technique. Interviews are conducted face-to-face and online. Findings show six themes discussed by study participants, namely; 1) the meaning of self-evaluation, 2) the purpose of self-assessment, 3) aspects of self-assessment and when to do it, 4) when to do self-assessment, 5) the attitude of teachers who carry out self-evaluation, and 6) challenges and obstacles in doing self-evaluation. The study participants are seen trying their best to provide the best understanding of self-assessment practices by providing examples in various situations and roles of teachers. The study will specifically describe the analysis process of the qualitative data obtained including the process of coding and categorization from the data that has been collected.

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