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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Impact of TQM Practices on Government and Private Organizations Performance in The UAE Through Organizational Commitment in UAE

Ali Saif Almansouri, Siti Norbaya Yahaya, Nor Azah Abdul Aziz, Mohd Hafiz Bakar

Open access

The rapid development in all technologies has been accompanied by various changes in all fields, especially in a business environment. These tremendous changes in the business environment put pressure on the UAE private organizations to keep survival in this dynamic environment. There is a notable lack of total quality management by the UAE private and government organizations. This study aims to identify the impact of comprehensive quality management on the performance of the UAE private organizations, besides investigating the mediation role of organizational commitment between total quality management and the performance of the UAE private organizations. The cross-sectional approach was used to collect the data from 248 employees. Structural equation modeling was used to test the hypotheses. The finding of this study revealed that all the total quality management dimensions were found with a significant and positive impact on organizational performance. The quality-oriented leadership dimension was found with the highest impact on organizational performance. Also, the result revealed that organizational commitment mediates the relationship between all the total quality management dimensions and organizational performance. Therefore, the private organizations in the UAE could prepare strategies to improve their services. It is recommended by this study the implementation of total quality management must be accompanied by promoting the organizational commitment toward the performance.

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