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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Sidek’s Module Development Model in the Adler Marital Therapy Module

Mohd Hatta Othman, Ku Suhaila Ku Johari, Salleh Amat

Open access

This study aims to develop the Adler Marital Therapy Module and to identify the validity and reliability of the module. The construction of the module includes discussions related to the module drafting stage and the module testing and evaluation stage. The module was built by the researcher himself based on the design of the Sidek’s Module Development Model and the Adler Marriage Therapy approach. There are two stages in the production of the module, the first stage is the process of producing a draft of the module and the second stage is the process of evaluating the module. The module contains 5 sub-modules which are relationship building, exploration, common sense, reorientation, and reeducation. The module contains 11 session topics related to conflict strategies, communication and stress. Each subtopic contains objectives, introduction, steps, and activities that are equipped with attached forms for reference. The module evaluation is divided into two, validity and reliability. A total of eight experts who evaluated the validity of the module participated in the evaluation of the validity of the module, while the reliability evaluation involved 22 study subjects or 11 married couples. The study findings show that the module has a high content validity index value of 0.92 and the reliability coefficient value of the module is also high, which is 0.977. The Adler Marital Therapy module is a new contribution for guidance and marital and family counseling professionals in Malaysia and is suitable for use in the local cultural context. This module can also be used by counselors involved in marriage counseling sessions as one of the alternatives or tools for married couples.

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