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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Exploring the Relationship Between Self-Efficacy and Satisfaction During Open and Distance Learning among Sports Students

Muhammad Irfan Aiman Ithnin, Wahidah Tumijan, Rozita Abdul Latif, Hasmiza Abdul Majeed, Azman Ahmad Tajri, Yusuf Hidayat, Burhan Hambali

Open access

Student satisfaction with online education has been extensively studied and is significantly linked with students' performance. Examining student satisfaction in online settings is sensible, as new technologies have altered how students interact with the learning environment. Aim: This study investigates the relationship between self-efficacy and student satisfaction during open and distance learning (ODL) contexts among sports students. Methods: The study participants comprised 97 students from the Faculty of Sports Science and Recreation (FSR) at UiTM Seremban. The self-efficacy and satisfaction of the sports students were assessed in this study using the adapted questionnaire of self-efficacy and satisfaction (Shen et al., 2013; (Artino, 2007); Alqurashi, 2019). Results: It was reported that the respondents' self-efficacy was within the range of moderate confidence can do to highly confident can do (mean=3.77, SD=0.55). The results also indicate that the students agree with satisfaction perceived online learning (mean=3.63, SD=0.74). It was also found that there is a significant relationship between self-efficacy and students' satisfaction. The self-efficacy towards student satisfaction among sports students was moderately correlated (r (97) = 0.490, p<0.001). Conclusion: The present study ascertains the relationship between self-efficacy and students' satisfaction with open and distance learning (ODL) among sports students at UiTM.

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