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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Determinants of Individual Investment Decisions-Making for Iraqi Investors, The Role of Financial Literacy and Fundamental Market Anomalies

Fatehiya Abdulridha, Nazimah Hussin

Open access

Every investor strives to choose the best investments with an aim to reap greater future benefits. Behavioural finance argues that an investor's decision-making process for investments is influenced by a complex mixture of factors that have a role in an investor's decision-making process. The literature shows that, in general, the study of behavioural aspects in financial markets is somewhat of an emerging concept and the determinants are not considerably addressed; there are few studies on determinants of individuals' investment decision-making, which makes academic research in this area necessary to establish the determinants on individuals' investment decision-making. This conceptual study uses the contemporary behavioural finance theory to present a broader/ comprehensive model of determinants of investor behaviour, considering the moderating role of financial literacy and fundamental market anomalies on the relationship between such determinants and individual investment decision-making for Iraqi investors.

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