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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Impact of AMO Enhancing HR Practices in Private Higher Education Institutions on Academicians’ Wellbeing: A Conceptual Paper

Hanita Sarah Saad

Open access

Employees wellbeing is critical to organizational performance and sustainability. Similarly, understanding how human resource (HR) practices influence employee wellbeing is a crucial aspect of organizational management. The heightened competition among private higher education institutions, increasing workloads and conflicting roles demands have led to burnout, fatigue and declining health among academicians. Despite these, academicians are expected to continuously uphold their tutelary role in society. Thus, it is crucial to ensure that academicians can continue to flourish in their role through quality worklife and wellbeing. This conceptual paper proposed a framework based on the AMO Theory to examine the impact of HR practices on academician’s wellbeing and determining whether organizational identification will mediate the relationship. Questionnaires grounded on previous research and adapted to suit the study context will be distributed to lecturers in thirty-seven private higher education institutions in Klang Valley using convenience sampling to gather data on how the ability, motivation and opportunity enhancing HR practices influence the physical, psychological, and social well-being of academicians. Based on literature, it is hypothesized that there is a significant relationship between HR practices and employee wellbeing and the relationship will be mediated by organizational identification. This study enable university management to focus and invest in the right practices impacting wellness at the workplace to further promote the wellbeing of academicians.

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