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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Enhancing Consumer Visual Experience through Visual Identity of Dynamic Design: An Integrative Literature Review

Yu Mengyao, Sazrinee Binti Zainal Abidin, Nazlina Binti Shaari

Open access

Issues: With the advent of the digital era, more than static visual identity design is needed to meet the aesthetic demands of contemporary consumers. This research explores enhancing consumer visual experiences through dynamic visual identity design. Methodology: By focusing on the elements and evaluation criteria of visual identity, along with relevant theories, this study establishes a conceptual framework emphasizing the significance of dynamic visual elements, visual experiences, and visual narratives. The aim is to enhance the visual appeal of brands through these dimensions. Results: A conceptual framework for dynamic visual identity design was proposed, providing guidance and reference for future research. Conclusion: Dynamic visual identity design contributes to strengthening brand affinity, bridging the gap between brands and consumers, and enhancing the overall visual appeal for young consumers in the digital age. The framework aims to optimize brand expression and increase consumer engagement.

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(Menguyao et al., 2024)
Menguyao, Y., Abidin, S. B. Z., & Shaari, N. B. (2024). Enhancing Consumer Visual Experience through Visual Identity of Dynamic Design: An Integrative Literature Review. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 14(3), 170–186.