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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Risk Of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases To Children: What The Parents Perceive

Zaikiah Mohd. Zin, Abu Bakar Rahman, Mariatul Umeera Muhammad Dahaban, Nadia Hani Jahaya, Sheikh Shafizal Sheikh Ilman

Open access

This study investigated perceptions of children’s risk of vaccine-preventable diseases among parents who refused vaccination for their children under two years of age at public health care clinics in Selangor. A purposive sampling strategy was employed to engage 27 parents willing to be interviewed. A semi-structured interview found that parents perceived unvaccinated children as having a lower risk of getting infections and equal vulnerability to vaccinated children. Besides, some parents perceived that there were other influencing factors contributing to children contracting a disease rather than not receiving the recommended vaccinations. Parents also perceived that their children have better health status compared to vaccinated children. Interestingly, a few claimed that their children had good traits, such as always respecting and obeying their orders and having higher intellectual thinking. Regular vaccination discussion, reviews of children's vaccination status, and formulation of recommendations should enhance parents’ understanding of vaccination and evade any misperception.

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(Zin et al., 2023)
Zin, Z. M., Rahman, A. B., Dahaban, M. U. M., Jahaya, N. H., & Ilman, S. S. S. (2023). The Risk Of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases To Children: What The Parents Perceive. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(12), 2852-2861.