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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Pressure of Financial Status and its Effects on Public University Students Around Kuala Lumpur

Azlan Abdul Rahim, Nurul Hanis Aminuddin Jafry, Yusnaini Md. Yussof, Azah Sumaiyah Abdul Aziz, Nur Fariesha Ayuni Mohd Zaki, Zahra Majdina M. Zambri, Nurul Hulwani Mohd Safari, Remmy Nyalang Anak Unjung, Muhammad Muhaimin Ilman Mukhtar, Nik Nurul Najwa Mohd Yasin, Mashitoh Yaacob

Open access

This article explores the issue encountered by students in relation to the financial strain they experience in public universities around Kuala Lumpur. This study was carried out based on the younger generation's current perceptions of the narrowness of life and financial pressure. Therefore, this study aims to identify the level of financial problems, the factors that lead to students' financial problems. A total of 351 students from various public and private universities around Kuala Lumpur. Data were collected using google forms and the questionnaires were distributed among the university student using email and electronic device. Data analysis was then carried out using IBM Statistical Package for Social Sciences 27 (SPSS) software. Through the findings it was found that the majority of the students agree that the financial allocation dedicated to residential fees and rented apartments was excessive. The students were also experience academic negatively impacted due to the pressure of financial status.

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(Rahim et al., 2023)
Rahim, A. A., Jafry, N. H. A., Yussof, Y. M., Aziz, A. S. A., Zaki, N. F. A. M., Zambri, Z. M. M., Safari, N. H. M., Unjung, R. N. A., Mukhtar, M. M. I., Yasin, N. N. N. M., & Yaacob, M. (2023). The Pressure of Financial Status and its Effects on Public University Students Around Kuala Lumpur. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(12), 1545–1556.