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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Consumers Satisfaction Level Towards Prefered Online Food Delivery Services During Covid 19 Pandemic among Selected Private University Student in Kelana Jaya

Sallehatul Asfiah Mohamad Salleh, Syed Munir Barakbah Syed Faozi Barakbah, Jimmi Tiaw Tzer Ming, Aziz Jusoh

Open access

The widespread adoption of online food delivery services during the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly in developing countries like Malaysia, has transformed consumer habits. This study focuses on the preferences of selected private university students in Kelana Jaya, aiming to understand the factors influencing customer satisfaction with preferred online food delivery services during the pandemic. In this research, service quality, food quality, and price are identified as key factors affecting customer satisfaction. The study utilizes the extended Theory of Expectancy Disconfirmation Paradigm (EDP) approach, employing quantitative research methods. The sample of 84 respondents surveyed through a questionnaire. Results indicate that food quality plays the most significant role in influencing customer satisfaction, aligning with existing literature. The positive significant relationship between food quality and customer satisfaction highlights the importance of food standards in shaping consumer preferences. This study not only provides insights into the preferences of private university students in Kelana Jaya but also lays the groundwork for broader applications. The findings can be extended to explore factors influencing customer satisfaction in online food delivery services post-COVID-19 across different countries. Overall, this research contributes to valuable insights for future studies in the evolving landscape of online food delivery services.

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(Salleh et al., 2024)
Salleh, S. A. M., Barakbah, S. M. B. B. S. F., Ming, J. T. T., & Jusoh, A. A. (2024). Consumers Satisfaction Level Towards Prefered Online Food Delivery Services During Covid 19 Pandemic among Selected Private University Student in Kelana Jaya. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 14(7), 497–508.