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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Optimizing Elementary School Reading Comprehension in Malaysia: A Visual Information Approach

Wong Yoke Seng, Olowosile Ayokanmi Seun

Open access

Utilizing visualization strategies, which involve the creation of images to reinforce students' understanding of reading comprehension, forms the basis of this research. During the reading process, students articulate the meaning extracted from the text through rough sketches, influenced by their existing knowledge, encompassing general information, emotions, and personal opinions. The incorporation of these visualizations aims to enhance focus during reading, facilitating a clearer understanding of the content. This study is designed to explore the impact of information visualization on the learning outcomes of elementary school students, specifically in the context of reading comprehension. Participants will include Standard 4 to Standard 6 students from a selected elementary school in Malaysia. The research objectives encompass examining the effect of information visualization on the reading comprehension levels of elementary students, investigating potential gender-based differences in the effects of visualization techniques, and assessing significant disparities in outcomes between students employing information visualization and those who do not.

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