ISSN: 2222-6990
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The rapidly expanding halal food market attracts both Muslim and non-Muslim consumers concerned with food safety and purity. This paper reviews existing research, focusing on advertising's pivotal role in meeting surging halal food demand and addressing challenges impacting consumer trust. Advertising plays a crucial role in building brand awareness and desire, facilitating communication between advertisers and consumers. Examining the multifaceted impacts of advertising, encompassing social, individual, and commercial consequences, reveals its contributions to economic progress, market insights, and brand image. Advertising claims like objectivity and informativeness significantly influence consumer reactions. Malaysia's diverse cultural landscape presents unique challenges in advertising, necessitating adherence to Islamic values. Signaling theory offers insights into consumer behavior, emphasizing the importance of advertising credibility, particularly in halal food contexts. The paper highlights advertising's role in fostering trust and credibility, essential for nurturing consumer trust. It underscores the importance of portraying halal food products as pure and aligned with Islamic principles, which influence consumer perceptions and purchase intentions. Islamic advertising, guided by ethical principles, can impact individual, social, economic, and religious aspects. Trust and credibility are fundamental in advertising, especially concerning halal products and services. This paper emphasizes the significance of trust-building in advertising, extending beyond mere certification to maintain robust consumer relationships in the halal food market.
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