ISSN: 2222-6990
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The leadership competencies framework developed striking to the fear facility manager that intend to adopt BIM, and one of the attributes consist of empowerment variable. Therefore, this ethnography strategy study is an attempts to elucidate the empowerment parameter that needs in the intention adopt BIM by the facility manager. A qualitative research designed and entailed ATLAS.ti software for analysing interviews with five (5) experts. Data interview collected by the following content analysis approach. Thus, the natural unit data analysed by NCT techniques. At the end of the interview, seven (7) proposed elements maintained, with the necessary improvements as the result of there are a handful of experts recommended for modification consistent with the local context. Furthermore, there are two (2) elements suggested by experts that necessary to be added to this variables. The final assessment revealed to form nine (9) elements that shall be in the empowerment parameter in leadership competencies to adopt BIM.
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