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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Influence Of Human Resource Practices On Employee Satisfaction In The Selected Companies Of Information Technology Sector In Beijing, China

Zhou Hangyang, Nor Nazeranah Binti Omar Din, Nurhafizah Binti Zainal, Sujatha Balakrishna

Open access

The focus of present-day concepts is on different human resource strategies that contribute to employee happiness. While conducting the research, it is vital to consider elements such as hygiene, growth, anticipation, and motivation. Numerous studies demonstrate the impact of these variables on employee satisfaction. Organizations are concentrating on different human resource practices, yet it is noted that many organizations fail to meet the needs of their employees, which has a negative impact on employee morale. The management's priority is to take care of their requirements. The key purpose of this study is to comprehend the influence of human resource practices on employee satisfaction in the Information Technology sector of Beijing, China. This is to allow Beijing, China to retain and carry out the relevant human resource practices to maximum extent, thus enabling a workforce that is highly satisfied to survive and sustain in the highly competitive modern economy. For this study, a quantitative research strategy was chosen due to the various advantages it provides. Quantitative research is preferred over qualitative research because it fosters the computation of measurement precision, statistical analysis, and data dependability. The quantitative data was analyzed using statistical analysis to reveal any correlations between the independent variables and dependent variables. The four hypotheses proposed for this investigation are supported. All four of the hypotheses taken into consideration for the current investigation are accepted, as indicated in the table below, because the significant value is less than 0.05.

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