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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Relation Between TOE, Big Data Adoption and Organizational Impact in Malaysia’s Government Linked-Agencies

Hasnah Hashim, Mohd Sazili Shahibi, Norhayati Hussin

Open access

Big Data Adoption (BDA) is the technological procedure for social changes regardless of implementation, application, or strategy for data analytics. BD has great potential to exploit its unique characteristics and could transform at the lowest cost and gain significant meaning and insights into everyday operations. This study’s gap indicates that no indicator exists to highlight guidelines for implementing BDA in Malaysia’s Government Linked-Agencies (GLAs). The purpose of the present study is to see how the BDA factors will significantly affect the Organizational Impact (OI) with the TOE approach in Malaysia’s GLAs context. To this end, we developed a research model that posits these constructs as direct to antecedents OI, thus completing the effect of the TOE and its sub-dimensions for BDA. Therefore, the objective of this study, first, is to measure the perceived level of BDA in GLAs. Second, to examine the relationship between technology (relative advantage, security and privacy, compatibility), organizational (skills, top management support, financial readiness, firm size), and environment (competitive pressure, government support, market turbulence) to BDA. Third, to develop and validated a BDA model in Malaysia’s GLAs. This study applied a survey as the method approach, and a total of 134 data were collected. It is the result that TOE factors influence BDA and give OI. The validation of the structural model of six hypotheses developed in this study has demonstrated satisfactory results and exhibits six significant effects. This study contributed the theoretical, empirical and practical, which offers the organizations a better understanding of important aspects by optimizing technology from BD initiatives.

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