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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Exemplary Leadership Skills: A Comparison between Queen Elizbeth and Margaret Thatcher

Nurul Aina Najwa bt Nazri, Belinda Marie Balraj

Open access

The underrepresentation of women in the workforce, in politics, and in other facets of society was rampant during the 1990’s. Women faced significant obstacles that restricted their prospects and positions across a range of professions and were not taken seriously by society, especially by men. Building inclusive and varied organizations and society requires promoting gender equality and offering equal opportunity for men and women to realize their leadership potential. Instead of gender stereotypes, leadership should be based on competence, qualifications, and capabilities. Two female leaders who exemplify this are the late Queen Elizabeth and Margarete Thatcher. Based on “The Iron Lady” movie and “The Crown” series using content analysis the research looks at the portrayed two types of leadership skills which adapt to changes and decisiveness.

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