ISSN: 2222-6990
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In most developing countries such as Malaysia, motorized vehicles are the major contributors to air pollution in urban zones. Air pollution is a silent killer as it infiltrates the vital organs, leading to serious diseases and death. Recently, Electric vehicles are now widely considered as a way out alternative to the conventional transportation system. Scholars claims that EVs have a considerably more effective powertrain and are less expensive to maintain. In the same vein, Electric vehicles (EVs) in Malaysia are gaining more attention and interest from the public. However, the electric vehicle’s exposure, awareness, and sales are still low compared to other Countries. Hence, it is pertinent for this study to identify the robustness and generalizability of the technology acceptance and technology readiness in assisting consumers from buying an electric vehicle. Thus, this study aims to explores the factors that influence purchase intention on electric cars in Malaysia. This study is in line with the Malaysia plan towards achieving zero carbon emissions and focus on environmental sustainability.
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