Issues related to the cost of living are deeply concerning for the younger generation, especially teenagers. The world has just entered a phase of recovery from the economic crisis caused by the pandemic. As a result, many sectors of the economy have been severely affected, leading to high unemployment rates worldwide. Given the escalating cost of living and limited job opportunities, entrepreneurship is seen as the best alternative to assist those affected in sustaining their livelihoods. The purpose of this systematic review is to examine the level of awareness, knowledge, and current trends among teenagers regarding entrepreneurship. The PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) guidelines were used for systematic literature search. Twelve (12) articles addressing the presented issue were identified. Based on these studies, various factors play a role in shaping teenagers' desire to pursue entrepreneurship as a future career. These factors are divided into two aspects: internal factors and external factors. Internal factors include self-efficacy, personality, motivation, and interest, while external factors encompass skills, knowledge, finances, role models, and social support. The findings of this study indicate that there are various factors and aspects to consider in nurturing entrepreneurial spirit among teenagers. Recommendations from this systematic literature review include conducting entrepreneurship studies focusing on teenagers from low-income family backgrounds or those at high-risk.
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