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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Business Process Management as a Dimension of Total Quality Management and Organizational Performance of Selected Commercial Banks in Bamako, Mali

Sylvia Nakate, Mbalalufu Mukenga, Mabonga Eric, Mulegi Tom

Open access

This study sought to find the effect of process management on the organizational performance of selected commercial banks. We used a cross-sectional survey design with a quantitative approach in an attempt to achieve the goal of this study. The study used a sample of 114 respondents which was obtained statistically. The tools used for data collection were tested and validated before being rolled out to the respondents. Descriptive statistics and regression analysis were used to achieve the purpose of the study. The study conceptualized the dependent variable using two constructs; growth and sustainable competitiveness. The results revealed that process management has a significant effect on organizational performance. Process management had a higher predictive coefficient on sustainable competitiveness than it is on growth. The study concludes that process management has a positive significant effect on organizational performance. This further implies process management once taken on well can enhance performance of commercial banks.

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