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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Evolution and Impact of Ransomware: Patterns, Prevention, and Recommendations for Organizational Resilience

Mahendran Muniandy, Noor Azma Ismail, Abdulaziz Yahya Yahya Al-Nahari , Danny Ngo Lung Yao

Open access

Ransomware, manifesting as Crypto or Locker, poses a significant threat to fundamental computer systems and infrastructures with the primary goal of extracting financial gain from victims through ransom demands for decryption keys. This paper delves into the evolving landscape of ransomware, a persistent and advancing form of malicious software. Besides, this paper explores the development, patterns, and methods of ransomware attacks, scrutinizing their impact on organizations over time. In addition, this study examines the root causes of ransomware's organizational impact and evaluates its evolving scales. The investigation also addresses proactive measures organizations can adopt, aligning with the cybersecurity standards, to enhance preparedness and awareness. Additionally, the study provides recommendations and preventive measures to mitigate the challenges posed by ransomware attacks.

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(Muniandy et al., 2024)
Muniandy, M., Ismail, N. A., Al-Nahari, A. Y. Y., & Yao, D. N. L. (2024). Evolution and Impact of Ransomware: Patterns, Prevention, and Recommendations for Organizational Resilience. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 14(1), 585–599.